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MRI - Black Powder Blue Raspberry 20 ct TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $24.69
You enter the gym. You down your first dose of Black Powder¨. In a heart beat, Black Powder "lights up" new metabolic targets! You think you feel a cellular explosion. You do! Your strength appears to skyrocket. It does. Weights seem lighter than they actually are. They are not! You attack your sets with a ferocious intensity. It never lets up. The "initial" move of your lifts seems effortless. It is. And that's just what you can feel. There's more. It feels like your muscles recover before you even leave the gym. They do. It seems like muscle growth signals are rapidly pulsing through your body, starting from your first set. They are. You finally know what it's like to fire on all cylinders. The effect is simply devastating to your competition! Now here's the best part. As you step out of the gym, you'll have the throbbing, super-engorged, skin-ripped body as proof of what just transpired! Get used to it. It's all part of the awe-inspiring Black Powder Training Effect!

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