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Manufacturer Help Section:

Thank you for your interest in distributing your products with VitaGlo.com ! With over 10 years of Internet Marketing and selling to the Health concious, and froogle minded shoppers, we have become one of the leading internet retailors for all your vitamin, supplement, dietary, and holistic needs! Our website recieves millions of views each month with people looking for your products!

Below you will find a Q & A type format to answer all your questions on how you can get your products listed on our website!

Q: How do I submit my products list to you?
A: You need to send us a .csv database file of your prducts, as an attachment via email to sales@vitaglo.com

Q: What does this database file need to contain?
A: The .csv file MUST contain the minimum following data fields

  • Product-id - This is the id you use for ordering purposes
  • Product Name - Name field should contain product name, AND size, count, grms, ect
  • MSRP - Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price

  • Product-id Product-name MSRP
    4137 Met-Rx Whey Protein 2 lb 25.50
    2531 Met-Rx Whey Protein 5 lb 32.10

    Q: Should I submit images?
    A: - YES! We accept product images in .jpg format. They should be no bigger than 600 X 600, and no larger than 3M ea. Multiple images should be compressed in a .zip format saved as: .zip. EACH image should be labled as the PRODUCT ID example: 25731.jpg

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