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Sun Chlorella - Chlorella Granules 3g Individual Packets Economy 100 pkts-UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $92.92
The Most Complete Superfood TM

Sun Chlorella Granules is our high-quality chlorella in granulated form. Each sleeve contains one serving of chlorella, allowing for a fast and easy way to carry around and to mix in your favorite food or drink. To maintain the full strength of chlorella's nutrients, we recommend not mixing the product in high-temperature foods or drinks. As with most foods, nutritional value is lost when it is exposed to heat.


Sun Chlorella Granules contain the same benefits of the Sun Chlorella tablets. Every packet has the same values of chlorophyll and Chlorella Growth Factor. In granulated form, Sun Chlorella Granules are perfect for mixing with your favorite smoothie or sprinkling over food. Sun Chlorella Granules are perfect for incorporating with creating different types of dishes. Since Sun Chlorella is vegan, it is fantastic for vegans as well as vegetarians.


Sun Chlorella Granules are perfect for moms and dads who may have a difficult time ensuring that their children are getting enough nutrition from the foods they consume. Parents can now rest assured knowing that their child is getting enough greens as well as protein in a fun and simple way of serving it with their meals.


Out of ideas for how to mix Sun Chlorella Granules with meals or smoothies? Check out our Sun Cuisine Cookbook . Find fun, creative meal ideas from making delicious muffins to creating fun, fresh smoothies.


Always on the go? Need something after a work out? Throw in a pack of Sun Chlorella Granules in your protein shake or juice and get all the nutrients or protein you need. With more protein than steak or soy, Sun Chlorella Granules are perfect after a workout. Looking to boost nutrition? Sun Chlorella Granules have 6 times more beta-carotene than spinach and are perfect for anyone that’s lacking a little something in their diet.


Not only are Sun Chlorella Granules perfect for adding simply more nutrition to your diet, they are perfect for detoxifying your body. Sun Chlorella contains the highest chlorophyll content of any known plant source. It has 5 times more chlorophyll then spirulina, wheatgrass, or barley grass and ten times more chlorophyll than alfalfa. If you’re looking to start revitalizing in a fun and easy way, Sun Chlorella Granules are the most perfectly convenient way to start living a healthier lifestyle.

UPC: 029918012516

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