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Allimax Nutrition Allimax Book "Allicin The Heart of Garlic" 165pg
PRICE: $13.00
The Heart of Garlic (165 pages) by Peter Josling's, Biochemist, Researcher and Author, offers insights into the health benefits of garlic. Learn how to combat and potentially reverse a wide range of ailments, especially microbial diseases caused by bacterial, viral and fungal infections, including: allergies, arthritis, asthma, athlete's foot, bacterial infections, bites, candidiasis, chest infections, colds, cold sores, colitis, congestion, diarrhea, eczema, environmental toxins, fungal infections, gum disease, lyme, cholesterol, psoriasis, ringworm, sinusitis, wound infections and more.

Peter Josling is the Director of The Garlic Center based in Sussex, England, established in 1993 to provide an independent source of information about the medicinal, culinary and general qualities of garlic. The Garlic Center also advises commercial companies, research establishments, government agencies and the press and media on the subject of Allicin.

In 1997, Josling also formed a specialty chemicals division to provide key garlic components including alliin, allicin and ajoene for research and product formulation. Josling led a team of chemists and chemical engineers in the invention, development and manufacturing of the world's first commercially-available stabilized and patented allicin extract formulated into powder capsules, liquids and cremes, all to carry the name Allisure® as a guarantee of real allicin in the products.

The list of already proven herbal remedies that will gain extra impetus by the addition of Allicin into their formulations is almost endless.

Allicin is the heart of garlic!

UPC: 9781904015215

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