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> Biochem - 100% Egg Protein Powder 15.4 oz
Biochem - 100% Egg Protein Powder 15.4 oz
PRICE: $14.29
* Egg White protein is an excellent source of protein concentrated in valuable amino acids and offers an alternative to whey protein. * The egg white protein used in this formula is processed in a way that ensures it is highly bio-available and delicious. * Egg protein is particularly rich in an important amino acid called methionine. It is involved in numerous important processes in the body, including various areas of the digestive system such as the liver and gall bladder. * This formula offers a good source of fiber, providing four grams per serving * The use of stevia and a very small amount of organic evaporated cane juice makes this formula nearly sugar free at only two grams per serving. * Biochem's 100% Egg Protein includes FOS, which helps support a healthy digestive environment.
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