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Beverly International - UpLift Preworkout Training Formula 330g
PRICE: $34.95
New UP-Lift by Beverly International is the next in a long line of top-quality, result-producing bodybuilding supplements that you have grown to love. Paramount-Supplements is proud to introduce Up-Lift, a totally stimulant-free hybrid training formula from Beverly International. Dial up your workout intensity with the help of UPLift Hybrid Training Formula.

UpLift is designed to be used prior to intense training and/or during your workout session. The flexibility to do this was built into the UP-LIFT formula from the very first ingredient. No more “rocking out” for the first 30 minutes of your workout only to find yourself “clocking out” during the second half.

Uplift Hybrid Formula can also be used for intense focus and stamina during cardio or resistance training. With its unique hybrid functionality, UP-LIFT is ideal for athletes who do their cardio before or after weights, or during a separate workout altogether.

Beverly’s lab added gluconeogenic amino acids to UP-LIFT to support your glucose economy. These amino acids are capable of supporting blood glucose levels and performance throughout your workout without negatively affecting insulin levels or fat-burning. In fact, gluconeogenesis supports the burning of fat and thermogenesis.

Did we mention that Up Lift is Stimulant Free? That's right, you don't have to worry about the dreaded "energy crash" after your training is done. The UP-LIFT training formula is totally free of caffeine and other stimulants.

Whether you are a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, or any other type of athlete, UP-LIFT helps you unfold 90 seconds of muscle-building fury out of every 60 seconds of training.

UP-LIFT at Psupplements contains ingredients that scientific studies suggest will support:

# Lean Mass Gains and Positive Nitrogen Balance
# Elevated Fat-Burning Metabolism
# Nitric Oxide (NO) Action
# Vasodilation
# Detoxification of Ammonia
# Gluconeogenesis and Thermogenesis
# Blood Glucose Levels
# Aerobic and Anaerobic Energy Metabolism
# Muscle Carnosine Levels
# Reduction or Delay of Neuromuscular Fatigue
# Muscular Power and Endurance
# Free Radical Protection
# Neurological Function
# Mental Well-Being and Vigilance
# Resistance to Stress

UPC: 857254000542

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