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American Health
> American Health Super Papaya Enzyme Plus Chewable 90 wafers
American Health Super Papaya Enzyme Plus Chewable 90 wafers
PRICE: $4.32
If your stomach sometimes struggles with digestion and experiences other occasional gastrointestinal discomforts, ease its workload naturally with an assortment of American Health's enzyme supplements. Enzymes break down the nutritional components of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, making these nutrients available for the body's energy needs, cell growth and other vital functions.* Our famous PAPAYA Òafter-mealÓ supplement¨ is available in a variety of strengths and formulations. All are unsurpassed in quality and potency...and we're not the only ones who think so. American Health's CHEWABLE SUPER PAPAYA ENZYME PLUS was the recent winner of the 2006 Vity Awards, conducted by Vitamin Retailer¨ Magazine. So try one of American Health's high-powered delicious enzyme formulas after your next meal, and experience the difference for yourself!
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