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Created by Nutritionists

Zing is the only “Nutrition” bar created, owned and operated by nutritionists. The four founders of the company are registered dietitians, each with a master's degree in nutritional biochemistry and over 40 years of combined clinical experience. As Sandi puts it, “We created Zing Bars as a healthy snack for our patients. We needed a bar that would be satisfying and sustaining with well-balanced, all-natural ingredients. And if we actually expected patients to eat this bar, it had to be delicious.” Zing was created as a bar that's great for ages 1-101.

Excellent Source of Protein

Each Zing Bar contains between 10-13g protein, or 20%-24% of each bar. That’s the same proportion we counsel our patients to eat. Protein boosts metabolism, helps stabilize blood sugar and builds tissue. Too little and you don’t get these benefits; too much and you put extra burden on the kidneys and leach calcium from your bones. Zing provides high-quality protein in the amount your body needs.
Zing Bar - Chocolate Coconut Bar Size: 12 - 1.76 oz (50g) bars
PRICE: $24.95
Zing Bar - Chocolate Peanut Butter Size: 12 - 1.76 oz (50g) bars
PRICE: $24.95
Zing Bar - Coconut Cashew Crisp Size: 12 - 1.76 oz (50g) bars
PRICE: $24.95
Zing Bar - Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Size: 12 - 1.76 oz (50g) bars
PRICE: $24.95
Zing Bar - Dark Chocolate Mint Size: 12 - 1.76 oz (10g) bars
PRICE: $29.98
Zing Bar - Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Size: 12 - 1.76 oz (50g) bars
PRICE: $24.95
Zing Bar -Double Nut Brownie Size: 12 - 1.76 oz (10g) bars
PRICE: $35.88
Zing Bars - Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Size: 12 - 1.76 oz (50g) bars
PRICE: $24.95
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